Levels & Courses

Intensive English Programs at UCEDA International are aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), a global scale for describing the process of mastering a new language.

English Proficiency Basic (CEFR Goals: A1-A2)

This introductory level program encourages students’ personal development by instilling basic English survival skills. Students will engage in conversations regarding familiar subjects and use descriptive narrative in the three basic tenses: present, past, and future.

This course prepares low beginning English Language Learners to answer questions related to personal information, to understand phrases in simple present tense and to talk about daily routines at home and at work, even when constant clarification may be needed. This course also prepares students to start writing about habits and everyday activities, using familiar words and phrases with basic sentence structures. CEFR proficiency goal upon completion: A1

This course prepares high beginning English Language Learners to understand simple phrases in Simple Past Tense and Past Progressive Tense, to respond to simple questions about activities performed in the past, and to communicate concerning past events and past needs. This course also prepares students to read more challenging prose with familiar phrases and sentences in Past Tense and teaches them how to write in the same tense with basic control of grammar, less spelling errors, and some sentence structure complexity. CEFR proficiency goal upon completion: A1+

This course prepares high beginner English Language Learners to communicate to satisfy routine social demands and limited work requirements, to handle with a certain degree of confidence casual conversations about current events as well as work and family, and to get the gist of simple conversations in certain social situations but might need clarification for details. It also prepares students to understand more cohesive texts and additional vocabulary related to familiar topics, to write about related situations while starting to introduce cohesive devices and integrating sentences in present, past, and future tenses into small, structured paragraphs. CEFR proficiency goal upon completion: A2

This course prepares English language learners to demonstrate a verbal command of various work and home-related vocabulary and to participate in conversations in some social situations.  It also provides a practical review of these grammar tenses: Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense, and their progressive tenses respectively. This course prepares students to read texts with common questions and expressions about familiar topics with simple to intermediate structure, to use context to determine the meaning of sentences, and to write dialogues and compositions with some structural accuracy.

English Proficiency Intermediate (CEFR Goals: B1-B2)

Intermediate levels build on a student’s prior knowledge and skills, and helps them transition into a more independent and creative stage in which they feel comfortable engaging in effective conversations with native English speakers, consuming written text in English, and self-correcting. Students will gain confidence using American idioms and more complex grammar structures.

This course prepares intermediate English language learners to better understand the grammar tenses Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense, Simple Future Tense, as well as to introduce Present Perfect Tense and Past Perfect Tense. It also prepares students to demonstrate a command of various work and home-related vocabulary and to participate in conversation in some social situations with clarifications when needed. This course prepares students to read texts about familiar topics with simple to intermediate structures, to use context to determine the meaning of sentences, and to write with some structural accuracy and complexity, by making an improved use of punctuation and cohesive devices, in full paragraphs developed for work or home use. CEFR proficiency goal upon completion: B1


This course prepares English Language Learners to understand and participate in most social situations with little to no clarification. It also prepares students to read and clearly write moderately simple compositions (i.e. concatenated paragraphs) related to life situations and work-related settings while making use a mix of simple and complex sentence forms and tenses and making errors that rarely reduce communication. This course prepares students to use context and word analysis to understand unfamiliar texts, to make inferences and predictions, and to understand radio and television on familiar topics. CEFR proficiency goal upon completion: B1+

The goal of this course is to prepare high intermediate English Language Learners to comprehend extended conversations and directions, to write and edit structured compositions (e.g. containing an introduction, body and conclusion), to engage in communication independently and to analyze readings (using observation, interpretation, inference, evaluation, explanation, and meta-cognition). It also prepares students to participate in most social situations with minimal clarification. Students are able to use context and word analysis to understand vocabulary and unfamiliar texts, to make inferences and predictions, and to understand native English speakers. CEFR proficiency goal upon completion: B2

This course prepares advanced English Language Learners to demonstrate a verbal command of a variety of work and home-related vocabulary and to participate in conversations in most social situations.  It also prepares students to write and read the language with moderately complex text related to life situations and work-related settings. This course prepares students to use context and word analysis to understand vocabulary and unfamiliar texts, to read texts with moderately complex structure with common idioms about familiar topics, and to use grammatical structures appropriate for their level.

Academic English Advanced (CEFR Goal: C1)

Academic level courses are designed to further develop and enrich students’ English language skills in all areas, including speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar and critical thinking. Students will be prepared for professional and diplomatic communication, and/or for future study in an American college or university.

To graduate from the Academic English Advanced program, students must: complete a minimum of one course in each of the four categories below; and achieve a CEFR score of C1 or higher, or a TOEFL score of 79 or higher.

This course enables advanced English Language Learners to understand complex, lengthy readings of various genres and to communicate in a variety of advanced written constructions and forms related to academic and professional life. Students will write the language with complex, detailed texts and use advanced cohesive and coherence devises in different genres. Learners will attain, identify, and use higher-level vocabulary words to enhance their reading and writing skills. By applying this new vocabulary and its usage, students will discover an exciting world beyond the familiar subjects, build confidence, and expose it in their writing as well as social environments. CEFR proficiency goal upon completion: C1


This course prepares advanced English Language Learners to understand and communicate in diverse settings and academic, professional, and social contexts with minimal effort. Conversational activities throughout these courses are wrapped with high advanced target lexical items to encourage learners to participate in complex debates and discussionsThrough diverse themes and various genres, this course will have students to elaborate on their own opinions and those of others, while using refined vocabulary for certain situations. Students are motivated to think “outside the box” and analyze out of the book material such as academic journals, documentaries, lectures, and varieties of world Englishes. CEFR proficiency goal upon completion: C1


The course focuses on developing 21st Century Skills which include problem-solving, critical thinking, effective communication, visual literacy, note taking, and collaboration. Both formal and informal classroom discourse are used as important means of learning. Through group presentations and spoken interactions with teachers and classmates, students develop fluency and accuracy in speaking and apply strategies for comprehending and processing short spoken passages on familiar topics. CEFR proficiency goal upon completion: C1


Students enrolled in the Academic English Advanced program must complete a minimum of one elective course. Each elective focuses on different targeted skills, depending on the student’s individual objectives and needs.

  • Remedial Reading & Writing B2
  • Remedial Listening & Speaking B2
  • TOEFL Techniques
  • Advanced Grammar
  • American Idioms
  • Business English
  • Pronunciation & Accent Reduction
  • Public Speaking
  • Project-Based Learning

CEFR Global Scale

UCEDA International students begin classes on the first Monday of each month. Each course is 12-16 weeks in duration, depending on the level. The entire program duration may range between 3 months for a single course, or up to 12 months or longer for multi-course programs.

We recognize that the rate of language development may vary according to the learner’s educational background, first language, learning style, cognitive style, and other factors. Therefore, students and financial sponsors should understand that UCEDA does not set strict time limits on the length of English studies. Students may re-take any course if needed. However, repeated failure of any course, or chronic absenteeism leading to an average of less than 70 percent attendance, may lead to dismissal from the program and subsequent loss of student visa status, if applicable.

In addition to the courses listed above, FREE TUTORING sessions are also available to all students who wish to participate. Before or after class, feel free to meet with a specialized tutor for help catching up on homework or maybe just to practice conversation. What you practice is up to you!

Admission Policy

UCEDA International offers intensive and semi-intensive English language training for foreign-born adults. To be admitted, students must meet the following minimum criteria:

1. Be at least 18 years of age (or at least 16 years of age having terminated high school and obtained parental consent)
2. Have current or former permanent residence in a country or region where English is not the predominant language
3. Have a basic understanding of the English or Latin alphabet.
4. Demonstrate a communicative deficiency in English speaking, reading, writing, or listening skills relative to one’s stated goals
5. Be willing and able to attend either full-time classroom instruction (18 hours per week minimum, required for F1 visa students) or part-time classroom instruction (3 to 6 hours per week minimum)
6. Possess or demonstrate eligibility for a nonimmigrant visa category which requires or allows either full-time or part-time language study.
7. Satisfy eligibility requirements for issuance of Form I-20 (required for F-1 visa students only)

UCEDA International does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or genetic information.

To apply to be admitted to UCEDA International, please complete the online Application Form. An international advisor will review your information to pre-qualify you for enrollment. There is no charge for this initial review and consultation.

en English